Commitment Card Explainer


Each of us is being invited to engage with God and truly declare His Church, His People and His Mission first in our lives. We commit to be open... and ready for the implications that this will have on each one of us and how we live and give.

UNCHARTED is a generosity discipleship initiative. We desire to discover new things about how Jesus calls us to live and to allow ourselves to be changed and challenged to respond. Be a part of the 100% engagement by making a two-year commitment to UNCHARTED.


An Initial Giver is someone who decides to give for the first time, out of a response to God’s Word about giving. This is someone who decides to give something and trust God and the leaders of the Church with this gift. They experience the initial joy of putting Jesus’ words into action (Matthew 7:24).

A Consistent Giver is someone who decides to give something and to give it on a consistent basis to exercise the discipline of giving as a disciple of Jesus. Often, someone who decides to make their gift an online recurring gift will be someone who is learning the joy of consistency. Non- online givers can be consistent givers as well of course; it just requires more discipline. They experience the joy of excelling in this grace of giving. (2 Corinthians 8:7).

A Priority Giver is someone who understands the pre-eminence of Christ and that He is before all things – that all things were created by Him, for Him, through Him, and to Him. This giver places such a significant priority on their giving that it drives their spending and their saving, as opposed to their spending and saving driving their giving. They experience the freedom of serving “one master” and declaring Jesus is first. (Matthew 6:19-24 and Colossians 1:15-20).

A Surrendered Giver is someone who recognizes that Christ surrendered His whole self for us, and therefore we desire to surrender our whole selves to Him, in love (Ephesians 5:1-2). This giver would say, “My giving is not just changing my spending and saving. It’s also changing me!” They also look at what they’re not giving away and ask, “Is it surrendered too?” This informs how they use everything they’ve been blessed and entrusted with – whether that be through direct monetary giving or through a God-honoring use of an existing resource (i.e. honoring God with the use of your home, etc.).

An Eternal Giver is someone who sees the eternal impact of their giving – on them and on others – not just the immediate programs and ministries it helps accomplish. This giver has been captivated by the knowledge that the more they are led to “do good, to be generous and ready to share,” the more they “take hold of that which is truly life” (1 Timothy 6:19). This encourages them to keep growing! They make all decisions (big purchases, savings, giving, relationships, areas of service) in light of how it will affect their eternal impact.