At its core Uncharted is about discipleship. Following Jesus is a transformative process that is happening day by day as we walk with him. Movement will always bring us to unfamiliar moments and places that require us to have faith. When we step forward into those places growth happens. As we are stretched and challenged, God provides what we need just when we need it.

Primary Goal
100% Engagement


What areas of comfort and control do we need to surrender to God so that we may experience the Uncharted blessings He has for us?


What step do we need to take to demonstrate deeper trust in God, moving us into new, Uncharted areas of dependence on Him?


What new, Uncharted level of generosity do we need to attain to express our gratitude for all Jesus has done for us?

Secondary Goal
$8.4 Million Over 2 Years


Our day-in, day-out ministry is often referred to as the “general fund,” but it’s anything BUT general. It is the lifeblood of all we do – adults, students, and kids’ discipleship, worship environments, marriage restoration, biblical community. We will continue to invest in these areas and seek new ways - UNCHARTED ways - of helping everyone find and follow Jesus.


Reimagining and renovating our Kids, Students and Lobby spaces to allow for growth and connection to realize the UNCHARTED potential of our building as a hub for ministry. We will not incur any new debt, and will more significantly reduce the debt we already have, to free up future funds for UNCHARTED possibilities in ministry. (This includes both budgeted debt service as well as additional principle pay down.)


We seek to venture into the UNCHARTED by extending and expanding our influence as a church throughout our community and around the world. We will enhance our mentoring programs in local schools, increase our involvement with Fellowship of Christian Athletes, initiate partnership with Ignite campus ministry at UofL, adopt the community of Los Diamantes, Honduras in partnership with Lifeline Christian Mission, reach the unreached in Indonesia, and plant more churches in partnership with GO Ministries. (This includes both budgeted missions funds as well as additional missions funds.)

Renovation Renderings

What is a One Fund?

Uncharted is a one-fund initiative, meaning that all of our regular giving and all of our special giving over the next two years are going to be combined into one unified fund. It’s all one mission, all one budget; this is not a “building campaign.” We’ve included a sample commitment card so you can see how a “one-fund initiative” works. Please take time to pray over this as you seek the Lord and His guidance towards what He is asking you to do.

How do I join the journey?

  • Pray that God will work in the hearts of people at OCC and that we will listen with the intent to respond.

  • Be part of the 100% engagement by saying YES, and encouraging others to do the same.

  • God is going to do amazing things in your life during this season. Share His handiwork enthusiastically with those around you.

  • Live and give in a way that stretches you to take your faith to a whole new level of generosity.

Still have questions?

We would love to hear from you! Let us know how we can answer any additional questions you have as we move forward as a church family.